Our Mission and Vision

We want to strengthen the young people of our community to achieve their hopes and dreams, with no young person left behind.
Our vision is to ensure every young person has the opportunity to reach their greatest potential.

We want to strengthen the young people of our community to achieve their hopes and dreams, with no young person left behind.
Our vision is to ensure every young person has the opportunity to reach their greatest potential.

Our programs focus on an early intervention model for at-risk young people in the remote locations of Lake Cargelligo. We help our young people to up-skill in positive based diversionary activities, education, and training.
Each program is individualised, knowing that a young person’s needs may shift over time. We understand that sustained change for young people with multiple and complex needs may take years, so this flexibility allows young people to re-enter or leave the program on their terms and accept referrals from service systems, self and family.
Our mentoring and support provide young people with a safe and secure platform to explore their hopes and dreams. In addition, we support young people to build a toolkit that promotes self-regulating, problem-solving, better decision-making, and confidence and self-esteem.
BackTrack Youth Works in Armidale influenced the program design to promote engagement and reduce young people crime. Our programs are designed to support pathways into real & sustainable jobs and community connection. Respect and acknowledgment of culture are at the core of everything we do.